These nuggets are transriptions of stories, sermonettes, etc. given by Jeff from late 1997 on. Jeff chooses his music to match, and support, his message. Therefore some songs are included at the point they occur in his message. No violation of copyrights is intended. Praise God for all His gifts to His children.
***NEW***Some soundbyte links have been added to these nuggets where appropriate, i.e., where Jeff sang them. They are shared with you for your listening pleasure!
*Attention Windows 98 users* Windows Media Player tries to play these soundbytes as if they are streaming audio bytes [which they are not]. Allow the media player to down load the sound byte until the line is completely white [even though it will try to play them while they are being downloaded - which can sound like they are broken]. Then click on the start arrow and you will hear the sound byte play correctly.