Song: Mighty Warriors. I can honestly tell you from the bottom of my heart and my soul tonight, that it is good to be saved and under the blood of Jesus. We made up a new poster, 'cause I got tired of seein', well 3/4's of the people comin' in were Christians. And I love fellowshipin' with my brothers and sisters but I like goin' out and seein' the lost come in and get saved. So we made up a new poster. I've been gettin' some heat over this too. And it says:
Basically what I'm doin', is I'm invitin' all my old friends in. The Word of the Lord says in Deuteronomy 11:26, See, I'm setting before you this day a blessing and a curse. A blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God, that I'm giving you today; but, a curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God. And turn from the way that I command you today, by following other gods, which you have not known. And again I reiterate, God says, I'm setting before you this day a blessing and a curse. I was saved, got filled with the Holy Ghost. And I believe that's when God spoke clearly to my heart. You know when you get saved, that's not when the battle's over. That means that you've been saved and washed in the blood; but, now, you're to take up your cross and walk daily with the Lord Jesus. How many know that?
Well, we've been catchin' quite a bit of heat lately. And I appreciate that, because that means we must be doin' somethin' right. I was in a town awhile back, and I asked the Pastor when I was comin' in had there been a lot of phone calls, death threats, and things? He said, 'No. None.' I said, 'Well, I better repent, I must be doin' somethin' wrong. No death threats in this town?' :) Well, some of you head-bangers out there know the group Judas Priest. Well, the lead singer Rob, started a rock'n'roll heavy metal magazine. And they decided to write an article on me. The one thing I'm happy to report, they must be watchin'. [tongue roll and smile - Jeff's sweet look] :) It says hear in a big headline, God's Own Rocker. Metal turncoat, Jeff Fenholt celebrates a different Sabbath. Then they go on, they start the article out with, Jeff Fenholt former singer for Black Sabbath and current rocker for God, is out there working....I'm not gonna go through the whole thing, but basically it says, Fenholt a rock'n'roll turncoat....I'll tell you how I'd be a rock'n'roll turncoat, would be if I turned away and didn't tell you the truth. That, Jesus came to set you free; and that it's His blood that can wash all that garbage that's goin' on in your lives; and deliver you out of drug addiction; and raise you up from death unto life. Great is my God, and worthy of praise. Hallelujah!
They went on to call me the 'bad boy of Holy Rollers'. I'm not a bad boy, I'm a good boy. [sweet look] :) You did say that I've gained some weight, or that I've gotten puffy. Which I know that's true, actually, I have. I've been eatin' well, and I'm off drugs; and Reeni's been gettin' on me to lose a little weight. But then you went on and said, 'I look worst than Richard Nixon on luds.' I don't look like Richard Nixon, guys. :) And then you said that, 'I'm God's rock'n'roller.' Well, OK. I'll receive that. I'll receive that. I'm on the Rock that doesn't roll. I guess some of you people thought I looked good when I was dyin' out there. Hundred thirty-eight pounds, black under my eyes, and runnin' around, and beatin' up people, and throwin' whiskey bottles, and screamin' and yellin', and out there every night, 'Come on we're gonna rock. We're gonna rock' See, oh, he's just a little wild. Well, I like what I'm doin' now.
It goes on to say, 'I've worked with members of White Snake, Ozzie Osbourne, Ronny Dio, and Black Sabbath which he sang for from December 1984 to May of 1985.' 'He says, 'Man, I love heavy metal music', he says from L. A., [I'm not sure what I really said there] 'But I really believe there's nothin' heavier than Jesus.' You can't get higher than Jesus Christ, let me tell you that. I don't love heavy metal music. I love Jesus. Let's get that straight. Says here, 'Outside the doors it's crowded, a huge crowd is waitin' for God's rock'n'roller.' And they say, 'Why is he doin' this? This could be the gates of Madison Square Garden, Memorial Coliseum, or even the Mason Jar. Why is he doing this?' Well, I'll tell you why, it's because I've been washed in the blood. I told them, I said, 'I am under a different calling, now. I'm called by my Savior Jesus to stand up. As far as me bein' a traitor to you head-bangers out there, and everything else, I'm not a traitor. I'm a person who's been washed in the blood. And I'm tellin' you from my heart. You need to come out of that darkness. And stop worrin' about your career, stop worrin' about your life, stop worrin' about everythin' else. And start worrin' about your soul.
There's another thing that's blowin' your mind, I don't have a heavy metal rock band now. I don't have former members of, I guess current members of White Snake in my band. Like I did before I was startin' to sing for the Lord. We're not doin' the things that the world says you have to do, and yet the crowds are bigger, many times, than the crowds that are comin' out to your heavy metal concerts. we had 27,000 kids at Clark County Fairgrounds in Portland Oregon. All out there praisin' the Lord.
You guys need to get real. You that are out there, need to find out where the power is, and all authority. All authority, Jesus said, Is given to Me in heaven and in earth. All authority. Satan might have a little power over those that he decieves. But all authority belongs to Jesus Christ. I'm setting before you this day a blessing and a curse. A blessing if you obey Me and a curse if you don't. You say, 'A loving God would never send me to hell.' Your right. You send yourself to hell. God gave you the way out. His name is Jesus.
I pulled myself out of the heavy metal scene. I've taken some hits for that. I've had Christians, Christians come against me. I've had Christian publications come against us. And it blows my mind. What are you against? The fact that I talk about Jesus? Why don't some of you get real, and find out who the enemy is? You think I look weird? I've looked weird all my life. It sold 15,000,000 double albums of Jesus Christ Superstar. And the world never complained. Then people say, 'Well, you get saved, you got to do this, you got to do that.' Well, I don't believe we should be out there runnin' a muck, but I know... This is a witness to you people that are unsaved out there, too. God is searchin' your heart, right now. He's lookin' at your heart. He doesn't care what you look like, right now. He knows what you look like, but He doesn't care. He's searchin' your heart. And He wants to find, with the born-agains, the christians, is there any unclean thing.
I'm gonna move on to you for just a minute. The Word of God says, Up, sanctify yourself. Sanctify yourself, for there is an accursed thing in the midst of you. And you can not face the enemy tomorrow until you removed the accursed thing from amongst you. Judgmental spirits, I bind you in the name of Jesus. Religious spirits I bind you in the name of Jesus.
And you head-bangers, and you druggers, and you prostitues, and you men and women that are incarcerated in the prisons. Don't you always go lookin' for an accuse. That's half the problem, that's have the reason you're in the trouble right now. You're always pointin' to somebody else and sayin', 'He did it. She did it. My daddy did it. My momma did it.' What about you? You need to stop sayin' us Christians are hypocrites. This one's that. This one's that. And start lookin' at your self. And start lookin' at Jesus, and understand that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
I went to my drummer on the Bible Black Tour. And for those of you that want to write these articles and check them out, I'm sick to here with all this stuff. Documentation, and everything else. What a bunch of morons. If you were alive when Paul was preachin; you'd say, 'I want documentation that you got knocked off a horse.' Well, I think if you keep it up, God might give you documentation. He might knock you off your high horse, and blind you for three days. 'Well, I don't believe you saw demons. I don't believe a demon manifested in your house. Prove it.' Be careful. 'I don't believe carpenters came in and layed hands on you. Who are they? Where's their ministry?' Ronkonkoma, New York. But, in any event, I spoke on the Bible Black Tour. We had a former bass player of Black Sabbath on that tour. And I loved that guy. We had the drummer from the rock group Rainbow, Richey Blackmoore's first drummer in Rainbow. For you head-bangers he did, 'I'm the man on the silver mountain.' And all that crazy garbage. I'm hearin' from these guys now. Not the ones from that tour, but hearin' from members of Sabbath now, I'm hearin' from members of Guns N Roses. I'm hearin' from all you people.
It's time that we realize that this is warfare. We need to stop cursing people out there, brothers and sisters. We need to start prayin' for them. Openin' our hands out to them. Stop throwin' tracts at them every second, and start just showin' them the love of Jesus in you. There's nothin' wrong with givin' somebody a tract, but if that's all they're gonna see, it's paper. We're spendin' so much of our money puttin' together tapes and things to sell at our conventions, color glossy brochures and everything else, so we can all get fatter and fatter and fatter. Then when it comes to the lost, we get a little black&white little note or somethin' for somebody. When it comes to the prisons, let somebody else do it. Oh, let Mike Barber do it. Let this one do it. When it comes to the prostitutes, Oh, I wouldn't go down in there. When it comes to the places where the head-bangers and the rock'n'rollers are, we're turnin' our backs. The housewives are bein' judged. there are housewives that are sealed off in their little world, takin' their pills, doin' their daily routine, shakin' and dyin' out there. And there's Christians all around them, all around the neighborhood. You're livin' next door and you don't even bother to find out what the problem is, right next door to your home. And then you shoot at people that stand up, and try to witness some how in the power of the Holy Ghost. We need an overdose of the Holy Ghost.
So, we had Gary on drums, we had Doc on guitar, he was openin' for Black Sabbath at that time on the Black and Blue Tour, just prior to that. I had Felix as my producer. The Word of God says, I'm setting before this day a blessing and a curse. A blessing if you will obey Me, a curse if you don't. I said, 'I'm goin' with the Lord, men.' Maybe, I don't look like a Christian even to the guys that were in my band. Oh, they're quick to point it out. 'You we'ren't doin' so good on this tour either, dude.' I said, 'Well, maybe I wasn't doin' so good, but the difference between you and me, is I'm convicted. And I know I love Jesus. And I'm gonna follow the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm out, dudes.' My drummer said, 'I don't want Jesus.' Excuse me, I got that wrong. He said, 'I'm into Jesus, but I'm just not gonna serve him. I'm into him, but I'm gonna do my head-bangin' tours. You go do what you what to do.' At the end of that tour, they found my drummer in Ithyca, New York handcuffed to the clothespole in the master bedroom closet of a home. And Gary, my drummer, had been skinned alive in a satanic ritual, and murdered. My producer, whom I witnessed to, was shot to death two days after I witnessed to him. Four men hit the road with me, two of them were murdered. And you guys who are writin' these articles, heavy metal turncoat, why don't you write an article about who's the one that's really comin' to rob, kill, and destroy? The devil, that too many of you guys are bein' duped by right now. Why don't you write about my friend Gary Driscoll, who got skinned alive? MTV why do you always tell the so called good side, and you never show the bad side? MTV, you have an obligation to your people. You will be held accountable. You call me crazy. You put people on the screen and say for twenty-four hours that Im just some reborn lunatic, comes out of your ranks. Yes! I've come out of your ranks. And it's time for you to stand up and be accountable. And show what drugs have done to the heavy metal scene; show what drugs are doin' to the kids; show what's happenin' in the rock concerts. Instead of all we get is this, 'ah-h-h-h.' There's more to it. Now, maybe this is my flesh, but I'm gonna tell you somethin' else, MTV. You've been bitin' into me, and I don't like it. I don't like it. I'm a child of the King, but more importantly, I'm gonna keep doin' what I do. And I'm gonna keep preachin' the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. And there's gonna be kids comin' out of the death, and garbage, and bondage. By the grace and the power of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.
And now, those of you in your articles you say, 'He should be in Madison Square Garden. He should be in the Memorial Coliseum.' Yeah, We're gonna be there. But with a different message.' How many of you love the Lord? How many of you don't believe it's wrong to praise His name? People stand at a football game and go nuts, paintin' their faces blue, take their shirts off, go naked from the waist up in twenty degree weather, drink beer, fall all over each other. But that's alright, because it's just a lot of some good old boys havin' a good time. You go to your rock concerts, or your rap music, you need to be into the rapture. Forget about the rap, you got to be ready for the rapture. You that are into Guns N Roses, you're gonna face God and Moses and you be ready for that. Reeni, honey, I almost got excited tonight. :) Song: Hosanna [675k .wav file, 32 sec].
I want to pray, as you intercede out there by television, and everyone in this place. I believe we need to be precise. I want you to pray for the tearin' down of strongholds over the heavy metal and the music scene in general, throughout the United States and the world. I want you to pray for the tearin' down of strongholds of drug addiction, and alcoholism, and rebellion amongst the youth, and amongst the people in this world, in particular right here in the U. S. A. And we're gonna exalt the name of the Lord. he'says, He dwells in the praises of His people. Are you His people? Then, get up and praise His name. Hallelujah! Let's get violent with the devil. I bind you, satan, in the name of Jesus. I bind you, satan, that is tryin' to kill some kid out there tonight. I place warring angels to go before and protect those kids. [tongues] We need to get spiritually violent. Speakin' in spiritual terms, we're to take no prisoners in the heavenlies, from the so called kingdom of darkness. But we're to bind them. And I bind you, the Lord rebuke you, Satan, and your scummy wimps, your imps and your demons. I bind you in the name of Jesus. You have no power over me. You have no power over our loved ones. For we and our household will be saved. I bind every unclean spirit. I bind the spirit of witchcraft in the name of Jesus. [tongues] Let the war begin, the battle begin, Father, in the heavenlies, in the name of Jesus. Set your warrin' angels. [tongues] Pray, pray, pray, pray. And praise the Lord. Grandma, pray, and praise the Lord. Bind those spirits, grandma. Father, send the children home, in Jesus' name. I bind every attack of every of every satanic group that would try to steal a child for sacrifice over this time that they call their holy day of Halloween. I bind you in the name of Jesus. And I believe that every demonic sacrifice, I pray blindness to come upon all the people in the midst. And I pray a heavenly light to come upon those children. And those children to be divinely released by the power and the blood of Jesus. Amen and amen! Praise the Lord. Praise Jesus.
My Deepest Love,
October, 1991