The three of us are no different than most young adults in college trying to find their way in this life. We all have our downfalls and we all struggle to find our place in a world blinded by the lies fed to us through the media. In the midst of classes, papers, family and friends, and even the essential parts of life, such as eating and sleeping, it can become difficult to find time just to spend with God. The ironic part is, God was there all the time patiently waiting for each of us to come before Him.
We each found out that when we placed God first on our list for the dayÂ’s routine, everything else easily fell into place. We still found time for the things we needed to get done, but this time it was with less anxiety and stress. Through much prayer and trust, the three of us came together and decided we wanted to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by letting young adults, such as ourselves, know how awesome the rewards are when you come before God and lay all of your worries on him.
Our book, Christ-teen, is a reflection of the lives we chose to have in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The three of us wanted nothing more than to glorify the name of Jesus and tell of all the wonderful things He has our lives. We saw no better way to lift up the name of Jesus, than to give three living examples that testify to living and breathing the name of Christ. The book touches upon the topics of personal image, peer pressure and many others. It is a book project that is suitable for all teenagers, but it is especially designed for young Christians.
There are thousands of young adults in this world who feel as if they are nothing and we felt it upon our hearts to let these people know that they are not alone in this world. There is a God who is more than willing to become part of their lives and show them how wonderful life can really be, if only they would have faith and believe. We have always found that people are most attracted and open to what is real and honest, and so through our book, we tried to be as real and honest as possible through the telling of our stories. We held nothing back about our doubts and fears both before and after we each accepted Christ into our hearts. No one is perfect! We know this very well, as it is evident in our stories. We hoped to show how we too struggled through trials and tribulations even while we walked with Jesus, but it is important to note that through our times of trouble we did not walk alone.
We could have chosen to walk away and depend on the things of this world, but we did not. Instead, we chose live, breathe and act upon what we all believe in. Scriptures tell us in 2 Timothy 2:4, not to become dependent on the things of this world but to lean on God and fight for Him:
And as Christ’s soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in the affairs of this life, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in His army.
The three of us knew the truth and we felt as though to be good soldiers for Christ we needed to sit down and tell out stories. If for nothing else the three of us needed to act upon the love God had laid upon our hearts to go forth and share His truth.
Walking by faith and not by sight is not easy. No one ever said being a Christian would be easy, but then again, nothing worth anything is ever easy. This book, it may be about three people who wanted to share their stories, but when you look at the whole picture the book is not about us at all. The book is about Jesus and how He is working in everyday peopleÂ’s lives. This book is meant to encourage youth everywhere not to give up when they feel as if nothing is left. It is meant for the sole purpose of letting others know about the wonderful, never-ending love of Jesus Christ.
Our effort to write this book was certainly not in vain. Every word speaks what was on our hearts. We challenge you to get on fire for Christ! Don’t just sit there! If you know the truth then let other people know! Start spreading His good news like we plan to do with our book.
For more information please check out our official website at
Authors, Danielle Gaffney, Billy Hallowell and Russell Butts
Christ Teen
*The opinions expressed in this testimonial are those of the authors, who are solely responsible for content.* Editor, THE EDIFIER